Angelic Reiki treatments

Clarity of Sight Ltd
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Angelic Reiki healing treatments in Milton Keynes

Angelic Reiki healing, based in Milton Keynes is a powerful healing modality that works with the highest energies of the Angelic Realm to bring about healing and balance on all levels to those receiving the healing energy.

During the 1-hour session, the client remains fully clothed (only removing shoes if required) and either lies down or sits comfortably, while relaxing music is played. Angelic healing energy is channelled by the practitioner, from the Angelic Realms via Healing Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Galactic Healers. This healing energy is channelled through the practitioners’ hands. If the client is seated, hands are placed on the shoulders and if lying down, hands are placed on the heart and solar plexus chakras.

By working with the Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and or Galactic Beings, the recipient is lovingly supported as they gently release behaviours, past life learnings, physical, emotional or spiritual imbalances, pain and karma from whichever lifetime it began. Angelic Reiki treatments help prepare each client for their own personal ascension, bringing great inner transformation, development and healing.

The session is unique to each client and could extend to include multi-dimensional healing across generations and lifetimes. Crystals, singing bowls, bells or other such items may be used, if appropriate and conducive to the individual’s healing.

Angelic Reiki therapy is not offered as a cure or as a substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis and treatment. The information provided on this website, expressed or implied, is for the purposes of information only; it is not given as medical advice. If you have a health problem, health question or medical emergency you are advised to consult your doctor (Angelic Reiki Association).

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