A Time To Renew Non-residential Retreat
Clarity of Sight are proud to present our first holistic and spiritual retreat, this takes place at our Clarity of Sight crystal shop and Holistic Centre at 165 Milton Keynes Business Centre, Hayley Court, Linford Wood, MK14 6GD. from 9:30am until 4:30pm each day. You need to pre book your place via our website as places are limited.
Please book the dates you would like to attend. Both days are different and you don't need to attend both unless you would like to.
A healthy lunch, fruit and cakes, teas, coffees, dairy and non-dairy milks will be provided. Please let us know of any relevant dietary requirements/intolerances and needs.
Saturday 4th October 9:30am-4:30pm
The day will include a group healing crystal grid creation and crystal talk, Joga (Yoga with Jo) which is suitable for all levels, shamanic guided journeys, dragon talk and meet your dragon meditation plus more.
Saturday 4th Mediumship event 5:30-7pm - Clarity of Sight are proud to welcome Val Richardson as the medium for the evening. Val has been working as a medium for many years and is a brilliant voice for spirit.
Anyone signing up for either day, will be eligible to attend the mediumship event on Saturday 4th October as part of their paid fee.
Sunday 5th October 9:30am to 4:30pm
The day will include a full 12 chakra rebalance with crystals, ascended masters and the archangels plus information on the crystals, Qi Gong, Stepping into your Personal Power Session, Sound bath* plus more.
(*Please note the following regarding the sound bath - it is advised not to attend a sound bath if you have very high/low blood pressure, tinnitus, acute hearing problems, sound sensitivity, pace makers, stents or severe heart problems, you are in your 1st trimester of pregnancy, have recently experienced a head trauma, have severe mental health problems or psychosis, had an operation 6 weeks prior to the session, have epilepsy. You also need to be aware of sound vibrations that may occur if you have metal joints/metal joints/metal plates/screws or similar. You are welcome to speak with Leanne, the sound practitioner, to confirm your suitability to attend the sound bath.)
Please bring a yoga mat and a water bottle with you, as well as any blankets and cushions you may want. You can use a chair for the yoga or qi gong sessions. Please let Penny know if you would prefer to sit, rather than lie down on the day.